Rainbow Vacuum, Why my Rainbow Vacuum Won’t Turn ON?

The Rainbow brand is well-known for its production of top-notch vacuum cleaners and air purifiers. Rainbow vacuums are designed to collect debris in a bag or canister, which is a bit different from other standard vacuums. Since the rainbow vacuum cleaners collect the debris in a water-filled basin, it needs regular maintenance for every use to keep them in good condition. This guide is meant to ensure that the problem is identified and it is appropriately fixed.

Why my Rainbow Vacuum won’t turn on?

You may wish to use your Rainbow Vacuum cleaner, and you realize all of a sudden it does not start its engine. Here are the possible reasons why your Rainbow vacuum cleaner would not turn on;

  • There might be broken or cracked latches on the water bowl
  • The water bowl might be broken
  • The safety might be having issues.
  • The power cord, nozzle, brush roll, or hose may be having a problem.

How to solve this problem, Manual for fixing this problem?

To fix the water bowl, in case you realize it is the cause of the problem, you will be required to take off the water bowl by releasing the latches and lifting the bowl off. On opening the water bowl, you will notice a tab that sticks up about half an inch. The edges of the water bowl need to be nice and smooth. If the water bowl has jagged edges, it means that it is broken, and you need to replace it with a new one.

Considering the latches will be a wise decision if you find out that the water bowl is fine.

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