Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum for Carpet/Hardwood Floors Review 2022

Staying in a decent and absolutely clean house is something to be proud of. There is a great feeling that you get whenever you are in a serene environment full of freshness. You will achieve such a surround if all the surfaces in our house are kept sparkle clean! Robot vacuum cleaners are proof of how much technology can go in terms of your well-being at home or office.

What is Xiaomi Robot Vacuum?

Xiaomi is a prominent vacuum cleaner developer that launched its first robot vacuum in 2016, and since then, the company has never stopped surprising the public with its day-by-day technological advancement in the field of vacuum cleaner machines. The Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaners in the market a highly geared towards offering you a smart home due to their excellent modern features.

The most outstanding Xiaomi Robot Vacuum in the current market is definitely the Roborock s5, which never stops impressing its customers as it displays its exceptional premium features. The Roborock s5 vacuum serves as a vacuum cleaner and a mop. Everyone who interacts with the Roborock s5 vacuum will attest to its amazing combination of powerful suction power and a water tank that easily clears any stubborn stains on the floor surface.

It is quite impressive how far the Roborock s5 vacuum can go after every recharge, as it will perform for 120 minutes before it needs recharging. Most importantly, the vacuum cleaner will not need any real-time control as it employs the autopilot feature.


Roborock s5 Vacuum Cleaner

Roborock s6 Vacuum Cleaner

Roborock 2 Vacuum Cleaner

Roborock E20 Vacuum Cleaner

Roborock s50 Vacuum Cleaner

Xiaomi Mijia 1C Vacuum Cleaner


Item Dimensions (inches)

15.75 × 15.75 ×  15.75

15.75 × 15.75 ×  15.75

13.89 13.77 x 3.79

46.9 x 40.9 x 14.7

3.80 x 13.90 x 13.78

‎14 x 41 x 43

Item Weight(pounds)







Battery Runtime(minutes)







Suction Power( Pa)







Dustbin Capacity (ml)







Roborock s6 Vacuum Cleaner Review

This greatly impressive robot vacuum serves you with a wide variety of modern features and functions for your cleaning goals to be efficiently and perfectly met. The vacuum is powered by a 5200mAh battery that is strong enough to clean your room for less than 15 minutes, and it can clean up to 120 minutes after a single recharge.

Thanks to the Adaptive Routing Algorithm featured in this robot vacuum cleaner allows your Roborock s6 vacuum cleaner to learn the shape and layout of your whole house. This mapping technology will deliver faster and more accurate cleanup sessions. You will enjoy the 2000pa suction power that works perfectly for any floor type.


  • It features multiple sensors
  • It has a long-lasting battery
  • It offers a large dust box capacity


  • It is costly

Roborock 2 Vacuum Cleaner Review

This Xiaomi Robot vacuum cleaner is a second-generation 2-in-1 smart vacuum cleaner. This means that the machine can offer both vacuuming and mopping functions. The robot vacuum is designed to plan its route by capturing the layout of your room once it carries out the first cleaning session. The vacuum cleaner has powerful laser distance sensors that help it avoid obstacles on its cleaning path.

You will marvel at its powerful suction that goes up to 2000Pa, which is sufficient to eliminate any kind of stubborn dirt from the floor surface. The advanced technological vacuum cleaner accepts Wi-Fi connectivity and hence can be controlled via an App over our smartphone.


  • It offers the autopilot feature
  • It has a long battery runtime
  • It offers powerful suction


  • It can miss corners sometimes

Roborock E20 Vacuum Cleaner Review

It is worth stating that the Roborock E20 is an alternative version of the Roborock s5 vacuum cleaner as this model is very much more affordable. The major distinction between the two is that the Roborock E20 employs the inertial navigation system with the assistance of gyroscopes and optical motion tracking sensors, whereas the s5 uses laser navigation technology.

The Roborock E20 is proud of its Easy Mopping, and all you are required to do is to snap on the mop underneath the robot vacuum, and all other cleaning steps will automatically be executed by the machine. Thanks to the lightweight nature of this vacuum cleaner, it measures 3.5 kilograms only.


  • It mops up microdust
  • It can separate no-mop zones
  • It can solve the cable and sock problem


  • It offers poor cleaning on the corners

Xiaomi Roborock s50 Vacuum Cleaner Review

If you need a 2-in-1 vacuum cleaner, the Xiaomi Roborock s50 vacuum brings the opportunity to vacuum clean and mop your floors in one machine. The ideal machine gathers the high-end features that qualify it to be the best choice for home or office owners. The vacuum cleaner employs a laser navigation system that guides the machine around the house with great accuracy. The vacuum cleaner maps your rooms on the first cleaning.

This vacuum first sweeps the floor and then mops it as it comes with a 2000Pa suction power that is powerful enough to gather solid and liquid dirt with great ease. The robot vacuum cleaner uses a powerful motor that gives the machine the capability to climb obstacles that are 2cm tall. You will also love the 5200mAh battery that offers excellent performance of 180 minutes after every single recharge.         


  • It has a powerful motor
  • It features a laser distance sensor that offers accurate cleaning
  • The zone mapping feature can customize your cleaning.


  • It has a small dustbin capacity

Xiaomi Mijia 1C Vacuum Cleaner

This is another robot vacuum cleaner that acts as a mop at the same time. You will wish to use a fairly lightweight machine as this one weighs 3.6 kg only, with a highly powerful motor to carry out vacuuming and mopping. This robot vacuum employs a 2600mAh battery that has the power to run the device for 90 minutes after every complete recharge.

Once your robot is done with cleaning or it detects a low wattage, it automatically returns to its charging dock. Controlling the machine is quite easy as you can use a remote control or a smartphone app that works with the visual navigation system. The visual navigation system uses a 166-degree wide-angle camera lens to enable the robot to visualize 3000 acquisition points every second.


  • It is highly reliable
  • It features a strong motor
  • It offers an excellent cleaning performance


  • It is noisy
  • The device struggles with manual control

Video of Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review

Frequently Asked Questions

Shift your attention to these most asked questions from the Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner customers that this article finds it prudent to answer. Here the go;

Does a Xiaomi Robot Vacuum empty itself?

The new Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner features a self-emptying capability to make cleaning easier. According to the manufacturer of this robot, the vacuum cleaner usually empties itself regularly for up to 45 days, and the trash can will need to be changed 8 times only per year.

Does a Xiaomi Robot Vacuum do with pet hair?

Your Xiaomi robot vacuum offers a powerful suction that goes up to2500Pa and is strong enough to pick up pet hair easily. Thanks to the efficient bristled brush that picks up pet hair that may be scattered around the floor or couch surface.

Can Xiaomi Robot that Vacuum and Mop combos at the same time?

Absolutely yes! The Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaners achieve the 2-in-1 design, in that after vacuuming, mopping automatically. You only need to sit and watch the robot vacuum do all the cleaning. This makes the robot vacuum cleaner the best option for most people.

Do Xiaomi robot vacuums work well on hardwood floors?

The Xiaomi robot vacuum is a high-end vacuum cleaner that executes the exceptional task of clearing away any tiny or bulky dirt from hard and flat surfaces like hardwood floors.

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